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Writer's pictureMatt Birney

Fields Find throws up new gold finds for Warriedar

Perth-based explorer Warriedar Resources has hit more gold in drilling at its Fields Find project in Western Australia’s Murchison region, with assays going as high as 4m at 5 grams per tonne gold from 92m.

The latest batch of reverse-circulation (RC) drilling focused along the central corridor of project and reflects mineralisation for gold, copper and in parts molybdenum and silver, which assayed in historic holes. Warriedar says it now believes it may be onto a 7km-long multi-element porphyry intrusive.

And the impressive gold hit from the Mopoke prospect was not alone in the company’s latest batch of assays from 17 RC holes totalling 4026m drilled across four prospects – Sandpiper in the north, Mopoke and Falcon in the centre and Warriedar Copper in the south of a north-south-trending area of mineralisation.

Management says the seven holes drilled at Mopoke successfully intercepted gold at the contact of the porphyry and the older greenstone sequence, with the best assay providing confidence that the broader porphyry systems are significantly mineralised. Samples from other holes returned gold assays of 4m at 1.16g/t from 76m, 1m at 1.47g/t from 170m and 1m at 2.7g/t from 52m. Previous holes at the prospect assayed as high as 14m at 1.12g/t gold from 94m.

The assays from our initial Fields Find West drilling have demonstrated the wider presence of significant gold mineralisation in the shallow porphyry system previously identified at Fields Find. This is a meaningful development, both in terms of our exploration model for this central corridor at Fields Find West and for overall exploration prospectivity of this area to hold substantial accumulations of gold. Warriedar Resources managing director and chief executive officer Amanda Buckingham.

Buckingham said the company already has plans to return to the target zone during next year’s first quarter to test the extent of the mineralised system and the potential for it to deliver sizeable deposits.

Warriedar says the four recent holes drilled at its Sandpiper prospect confirm the extension of mineralisation at shallow depths and along strike from historic drill hits. Assays went 8m at 1.46g/t gold from 24m and 4m at 1.58g/t gold from 25m.

Other results released last year gave 4m at a glittering 36.9g/t gold from 104m, 4m at 29.67g/t gold from 98m and 19m at 1.64g/t gold from 115m, in addition to a 1m chunk grading 2.59 per cent copper with 24.48g/t gold and 16g/t silver from 96m.

Significantly for Sandpiper, recent soil sampling results have suggested the mineralisation extends 500m further to the south than has been tested by drilling. The company says it is a significant target that now spans 800m by 350m and is slated as a drill target for the first half of next year.

At the Falcon prospect, two electromagnetic anomalies were drilled and the iron sulphide pyrrhotite was found. The company says the holes confirm that previous assays of 1m at 1.27 per cent copper, 6.59g/t gold and 5g/t silver from 99m are likely from the porphyry system, rather than the electromagnetic conductors.

The southernmost prospect, Warriedar Copper, was drilled with four holes and produced results showing multi-element mineralisation with gold, silver, molybdenum and copper.

Assays from recent holes gave 1m at 1.66 per cent copper, 0.22g/t gold, 102 parts per million molybdenum and 16g/t silver from 34m, in addition to a 4m hit grading 0.81 per cent copper, 0.12g/t gold, 291ppm molybdenum and 6g/t silver from 40m. One hole returned an assay showing a 2m section grading 0.33 per cent copper, 0.15g/t gold, 43ppm molybdenum and 3g/t silver.

The results are on the back of historic holes that returned assays as high as 3m at 1.33 per cent copper and 0.41g/t gold from 109m and 8m at 1 per cent copper from 66m. Management says mineralisation revealed recently at the Warriedar Copper prospect is within a hydrothermal vent associated with the nearby porphyry system.

Fields Find and Warriedar’s other project in the Murchison, Golden Range, are close to other impressive operations including Capricorn Metals’ Mt Gibson gold project to the south, which has a mineral resource of 2.75 million ounces.

Interestingly, the Fields Find project area hosts the historic Warriedar copper mine that was in operation until 1969, producing high-grade copper and with an average life-of-mine grade of an impressive 9.83 per cent copper.

Fields Find is also less than 40km south of 29 Metals’ massive Golden Grove mine, which is digging away at a world-class volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposit with a total resource of 61.4 million tonnes grading 1.7 per cent copper, 4 per cent zinc, 0.7g/t gold and 28g/t silver.

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