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Writer's pictureMichael Philipps

Warriedar angling for wider gold play in Murchison

Warriedar Resources has extended the depth of mineralisation at its Rothschild deposit in WA’s Murchison region. Credit: File

Warriedar Resources has extended the depth of gold mineralisation down to 220m below surface at its Rothschild deposit in Western Australia’s Murchison region and will now hunt what it believes is a wider precious yellow metal play its at Fields Find project.

The company’s 47-hole reverse-circulation (RC) campaign at Rothschild is now complete and a second set of five assays returned solid results, including a 5m hit going 4.36 grams per tonne gold from 91m.

Additional assay highlights include 12m at 1.61g/t gold from 179m and 12m grading 1.29g/t gold from 228m that ended in mineralisation and demonstrated the depth extension of mineralisation at Rothschild.

Managing director Amanda Buckingham told Bulls N’ Bears that the recent drilling results had opened up the company’s belief that it was sitting on a wider gold deposit on an existing mining lease at Fields Find – and it would get to work on proving it. Importantly, historic workings on the lease had not recently been tested with any modern drilling.

Now that we know that there is more gold there than just the Rothschild resource, all of these other targets within the mining lease are all highly-ranked and need to be drilled. The chips are full of sulphides and if you get those sulphides at Rothschild, you know you’ve got gold. We now know the deposit is not fault-bounded and possibly keeps going to the west … we need to get a deeper rig and that’s what we’ll do. Warriedar Resources managing director Amanda Buckingham

Warriedar’s positive early results from Rothschild have led it to re-prioritise the prospects around the deposit, including its Stone Hut target immediately to the south-west of the historical Rothschild gold mine. The company already has plans to drill test the additional targets with a program expected to kick off next quarter.

The campaign is the first major exploration program to search for primary gold mineralisation at Rothschild in more than seven years. The company originally planned 5000m of drilling but extended it to 7750m after the discovery of strong quartz-sulphide mineralisation when logging deeper drilling chips. The area around the Rothschild deposit includes the mining lease that overlays part of the Fields Find project.

Warriedar affectionately refers to Fields Find as its “polymetallic enigma”, due to the site containing elevated levels of nickel, copper and gold. The explorer’s latest drill program forms part of the massive 40,000m campaign underway at its Fields Find and Golden Range projects.

Just last month, the company received the first four assay results from drilling at Rothschild, including an 11m hit at an impressive 3.39g/t gold from 197m and 7m going 1.71g/t gold from 184m in the same hole.

A second hole showed a 9m intercept grading 1.85g/t gold from 150m, in addition to 6m going 1.29g/t gold from 135m. A third hole scored a 10m hit at 1.63g/t gold from 202m, including 3m reading 3.12g/t gold from 202m. The fourth drill hole also returned a 2m section going 2.43g/t gold from 153m.

Combined with its latest results, Warriedar says the assays confirm its interpretation that the deposit is much bigger than currently defined in terms of both strike and depth. With assays from 38 holes still pending, the market will be keeping a close eye on what the company can unearth as it looks to extend its exploration around its Rothschild deposit.

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